16th Annual Western Alliance Sumer Chess Camp ONLINE
WHO: The Camp will be lead by International Master Levon Altounian and other chess instructors who share his love of the game. The camp will be joined from chess players from across the nation of a variety of ages and chess levels.
WHEN: June 22-25, 2020, 10:00 AM—2:00 PM daily. There will be an orientation at 9:00 AM on Monday, June 22 for all students as a general introduction to the camp.
4 Blocks per day:
Block 1. 10:00-10:45 AM (Lesson / Lecture)
Block 2. 11:00- 11:45 AM (Lesson / Lecture)
Block 3. FunTime 11:45-12:30 PM (Daily Fun Online Activities)
Block 4. Game Time 12:30- 2:00 PM
HOW: The chess camp will be conducted through Zoom and chess.com. ICC and Skype will be used as backups.
There will be four groups based on chess rating:
Group 1: Beginner (WILDCATS) (Approx 100 -500 USCF)
Group 2: Intermediate (COYOTES) (Approx 500 -900 USCF)
Group 3:Advanced Intermediate (HAWKS) (Approx 900 -1200 USCF)
Group 4: Special (BEARS). (Approx 1200 -1700 USCF)
There will also be a virtual hangout room for students to interact, games and virtual prizes!
VIRTUAL REWARD SYSTEM: Students may win virtual or real prizes based on assignments, overall scores or the daily FunTime scores.
FEE: Due to the unprecedented situation and shorter camp hours, the price will be half the usual amount and set at $200 per student with discounts for additional family members. Payments can be made through Zelle, Venmo, Paylal and Events4chess.
JOINING THE CAMP: Please contact us to register for the camp:
Levon Altounian (520) 891-3632 laltounian@msn.com
Molly Coy (520) 349-7580
Once registered, Mrs. Molly Coy, our camp administrator, will contact each student with their personalized schedule and to help set up and check all your connections.
You can download the camp flyer here: http://angelenochessclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/16th-Annual-Western-Alliance-Summer-Online-Chess-Camp1.pdf