20th Annual Summer Chess Camp

Daily subjects: Middlegame / Endgame / Openings / Tactics / PositionalRATING: 100-1800 USCF

9:00 AM – 1:00 PM DAILY Price: $275 for 3 days or $110 daily
LESSON 1: 9:00 am   9:45 am
LESSON 2: 10:00 am   10:45 am
SPECIAL CHESS TIME: 11:00 am   11:30 am (Quizzes / Questions / Fun / History)
PLAY TIME : 11:30 am   1:00 pm daily

Organized by Angeleno Chess Club and IM Levon Altounian

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Angeleno Chess Club Students Participate in the 2022 California K-12 State Championship

Angeleno Chess Club Students Participate in the 2022 California K-12 State Championship

We are so proud to announce that many of our Angeleno Chess Club students performed very well and won top spots in their age groups at the 2022 California K-12 State Championship held March 26-27.

David Gevorgyan, 7th place

Suren Mikoyan, 1st place
Austin Troike, 7th place (K-12 under 1400)

Teo Kashper, Top 3, K-6 under 600

Luco Kashper, Champion, K-3 under 600

Compliments to Sid Potukuchi, Top 10 Winner Alec Mnatsakanyan and many others for their excellent performance, well done!

Thank you organizer Jay Stallings for this wonderful event.


17th Annual Western Alliance ONLINE Summer Chess Camp | June 24-26, 2021 via Zoom

17th Annual Western Alliance ONLINE Summer Chess Camp | June 24-26, 2021 via Zoom

For the past 16 years, International Master Levon Altounian has been working with chess players of all ranks and ages at the Western Alliance Summer Chess Camp. A summertime tradition, this much-anticipated event gives chess players of all ages an opportunity to interact with other chess players like themselves while learning from a group of professional chess instructors. We are pleased to announce that this year, the 17th Annual Western Alliance Chess Camp will be held online, joined by chess players not just from the greater Los Angeles and Tucson areas, but the nation overall. Some quick facts about the camp:

WHO: The Camp will be lead by International Master Levon Altounian and other chess instructors who share his love of the game. The camp will be joined from chess players from across the nation of a variety of ages and chess levels.

WHEN: June 24-26, 2020, 10:00 AM—2:00 PM daily via Zoom

4 Blocks per day:
Block 1. 10:00-10:45 AM (Lesson / Lecture)
Block 2. 11:00- 11:45 AM (Lesson / Lecture)
Block 3. FunTime 11:45-12:30 PM (Daily Fun Online Activities)
Block 4. Game Time 12:30- 2:00 PM

HOW:  The chess camp will be conducted through Zoom and chess.com. ICC and Skype will be used as backups.
There will be four groups based on chess rating:
Group 1: Beginner (WILDCATS) (Approx 100 -500 USCF)
Group 2:  Intermediate (COYOTES) (Approx 500 -900 USCF)
Group 3:Advanced Intermediate (HAWKS) (Approx 900 -1200 USCF)
Group 4:  Special (BEARS). (Approx 1200 -1700 USCF)
There will also be a virtual hangout room for students to interact, games and virtual prizes!

VIRTUAL REWARD SYSTEM: Students may win virtual or real prizes based on assignments, overall scores or the daily FunTime scores.

FEE: $110 per day or $275 for all 3 days. Discounts for additional family members. Payments can be made through Zelle, Venmo, Paylal and Events4chess.

JOINING THE CAMP: Please contact us to register for the camp:
Levon Altounian (520) 891-3632 laltounian@msn.com

Holiday ONLINE Chess Camp

Holiday ONLINE Chess Camp

December 28-30, 2020 / Open to all up to 1800 USCF
10:00 AM-2:00 PM (Monday-Wednesday on Zoom)

How ONLINE Camp Works: Students still get blocks of lessons at set times with different instructors covering a wide range of subjects and suitable for their groups. Students can raise their hands and ask questions and they can also save all the information on their desktops or cloud. They can also leave and join back when needed and participate in discussions.

This camp will implement the same structure as our wildly successful Western Alliance Camp held in June. While the structure of the camp will stay the same, the instructors and subject matter will vary to provide greater learning diversity for our campers. Each day will consist of two lessons covering different subjects and game analysis, along with fun activities and a tournament. The tournament portion will have a different time control each day to make it even more fun and exciting.

Groups: We will aim for 4 groups as usual: No age restriction.
Group 1: Beginner (WILDCATS) (Approx 100-500 USCF) Those who know moves but not much more.
Group 2: Intermediate (COYOTES) (Approx 500-900 USCF). More advanced and experienced.
Group 3: Advanced Intermediate (HAWKS) (Approx 900-1200 USCF). Tournament players.
Group 4: Special (BEARS). (Approx 1200-1800 USCF). Very strong and highly motivated.

Schedule: 4 days: July 20-23 (Monday-Thursday).
4 Blocks per day:
Block 1. 10:00-10:45 AM (Lesson / Lecture)
Block 2. 11:00- 11:45 AM (Lesson / Lecture)
Block 3. FunTime 11:45-12:30 PM (Daily Fun Online Activities)
Block 4. Game Time 12:30- 2:00 PM

Instructors: Professional Instructors and Tournament players. We will pick the final Instructor group closer to the camp and that way we can incorporate special guest speakers too.

Payments: Price will also mirror the other camp and be set at only $200 per student with discounts for additional family members. Payments will be mostly done via online platforms of Zelle and Venmo (both are our preferred methods) but Paypal and likely Events4chess.com (or a Credit card) as well as a personal check will be acceptable too.

Questions: For all questions relating to the camp, please contact IM Levon Altounian at 520-891-3632 LALTOUNIAN@MSN.COM 

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Angeleno Chess Club / Levon Altounian / Organizer

16th Annual Western Alliance Online Summer Chess Camp Recap

16th Annual Western Alliance Online Summer Chess Camp Recap

And so the 16th Annual Western Alliance Summer Chess Camp came to a close. For the first time ever, this popular chess camp was conducted entirely online via Zoom, Skype, ICC and TOTK. The camp was a smashing success, drawing dozens of participants of all rages, some of whom are rates as high as 2000 USCF. We had 7 helpers and coaches for 4 different groups. The schedule consisted of 2 lessons per day, a tournament and fun activities.

I learned so much.

Areg G.

The camp made me want to study chess even more.

Grant T.

I had a grand old time at the camp.

Roy B.

Join our next camp, July 20-23

Contact us to register or request more information about this upcoming camp.